JGS Workout Tool
Glute Workouts – Bodyweight
Bodyweight Squat

Bodyweight Squat
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
- flex your knees and hips and sit back into the squat while lowering your body
- Continue down to full depth
- Return to starting position.
Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge
- Lie down with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- Push your hips up so that your butt is elevated and your back straight.
- Tense your glutes and raise your hips towards the ceiling.
- Once you are at the highest point you can manage, hold the position for a few seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position.
Forward Lunges

Forward Lunges
- Step forward with one leg.
- Lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the ground.
- Ensure you remain upright, and your front knee stay above the front foot.
- Push off the floor with your front foot until you return to the starting position. Switch legs.
Jump Squats

Jump Squats
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively.
- When you land, lower your body back into the squat position.
Glute Workouts – Dumbbells
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat

Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat
- Find a box or bench that is roughly knee height or a few inches lower. (The lower the box is the lower the mobility requirement).
- You can either place your toes or the top of your foot on the box. Point your front foot forward or slightly turned outwards and break at the knees and hips simultaneously.
- Aim to get your front leg to hit parallel depth (hamstring parallel with the ground) or lower.
- The further forward your front foot is, the longer the Range of Motion is at your hips. The further back your front foot is, the longer the ROM at your knees.
Dumbell Good Morning

Dumbell Good Morning
- Hold the dumbbell in a horizontal or goblet position. With your elbows directly under your fists.
- Push your hips back while leaving your knees MOSTLY extended. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings and glutes.
- When you feel the stretch push your hips forward, tightening your glutes, until you’re back in a standing position.
Glute Workouts – Barbell
Barbell Squats

Barbell Squats
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Maintain the natural arch in your back, squeezing your shoulder blades and raising your chest.
- Grip the bar across your shoulders and support it on your upper back. Unwrack the bar by straightening your legs, and take a step back.
- Bend your knees as you lower the weight without altering the form of your back until your hips are below your knees.
- Raise the bar back to starting position, lift with your legs and exhale at the top.
Low / High Bar Squat

Low / High Bar Squat
- For high bar, place the bar on top of your traps or for low bar, pull your shoulder blades back really hard and place the bar on your posterior delts.
- Push your hips back and break at the knees. Push your elbows forward to keep yourself from getting pitched too far forward.
- Aim to get your hamstrings to parallel with the floor.
- Push your heels into the floor and squat back to a standing position.
Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat
- Find a box or bench that is roughly knee height or a few inches lower. (The lower the box is the lower the mobility requirement).
- You can either place your toes or the top of your foot on the box. Point your front foot forward or slightly turned outwards and break at the knees and hips simultaneously.
- Aim to get your front leg to hit parallel depth (hamstring parallel with the ground) or lower.
- The further forward your front foot is, the longer the Range of Motion is at your hips. The further back your front foot is, the longer the ROM at your knees.
Barbell Glute Bridge

Barbell Glute Bridge
- Lay flat on the ground with both feet planted. Make sure you keep your heels glued to the floor.
- Place the barbell on your hips. Push your hips toward the ceiling until you feel your glutes contract.
- Then return to the floor.
Barbell Hip Trust

Barbell Hip Thrust
- Sit on the ground with a bench behind you. Have the barbell over your legs just above your hips.
- Lean back against the bench so that your shoulders are resting upon it, stretch your arms out to either side using the bench as support.
- Raise the weight by driving through your feet and extending your hips upwards. Support the weight with your shoulders and feet.
- Slowly extend as far as you can, and then slowly return to the starting position.
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