JGS Workout Tool


Tricep Workouts – Bodyweight

Chest Dips

Chest Dips

  1. Grip the edge of the bench with your hands, Keep your feet together and legs straight.
  2. Lower your body straight down.
  3. Slowly press back up to the starting point.
  4. TIP: Make this harder by raising your feet off the floor and adding weight.

Diamond Pushups

Diamond Pushups

  1. Position your index fingers and thumbs so they are touching, forming a diamond shape
  2. Use a standard push up position
  3. Lower your chest towards your hands, keep your elbows close to your body
  4. Stop just before your chest touches the floor, then push back up to the starting position.

Incline / Decline Pushups

Incline / Decline Pushups

  1. Place your hands firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders.
  2. Flatten your back so your entire body is straight and slowly lower your body
  3. Draw shoulder blades back and down, keeping elbows tucked close to your body
  4. Exhale as you push back to the starting position.

Tricep Workouts – Dumbbells

Dumbbell Skull Crushers – Laying Tricep Extension

Dumbbell Skull Crushers – Laying Tricep Extension

  1. Lay flat on the floor or a bench with your fists extended to the ceiling and a neutral grip.
  2. Break at the elbows until your fists are by your temples. Then extend your elbows and flex your triceps at the top.

Seated / Standing Tricep Extension

Seated / Standing Tricep Extension

  1. Sit on the bench and hold a dumbbell with both hands. Raise the dumbbell overhead at arms length, holding the weight up with the palms of your hands.
  2. Keep your elbows in while you lower the weight behind your head, your upper arms stationary.
  3. Raise the weight back to starting position.

Tricep Workouts – Barbell

Barbell Skull Crusher – Laying Barbell Tricep Extension

Barbell Skull Crusher – Laying Barbell Tricep Extension

  1. Lay flat on the bench with your feet on the ground. With straight arms unrack the bar.
  2. Lower the bar to your mid chest
  3. Raise the bar until you’ve locked your elbows.

Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension

Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension

  1. Be careful getting the bar into place overhead. Push your elbows forward while keeping your elbows tucked in.
  2. Look for what feels like a stretch in your triceps. Extend your elbows until your fists are pointed at the ceiling.

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